Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lucas On "The Daily Show."

OK, now he's just lying to us.
While I can appreciate the nod to "I had no idea it would get this big," and the gentle good humor he has toward "These are just movies," I still don't think I buy that young kids loving the prequels deems them as good movies. By the logic diplayed here, won't those same kids eventually grow up to hate the prequels (or the "Clone Wars" TV show that some generation seems to love...?), therefore proving the popular belief that the prequel trilogy is crappier than the original trilogy?

The answer is yes.

Oh, and he wrote a book, that looks like it's really long and text-booky. But I've also heard that some of the younger librarians claim it's their favorite. Much better than anything written by Pauline Kael.

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